President’s Weekly Update: October 28
October 28, 2020
Members of the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce:
We hope you all are thawing out and getting ready to continue our great autumn schedule at the Chamber!
We are at the tail end of the pandemic and with treatments being rolled out and vaccines in the pipeline we are getting through this together. Way back in April we observed that difficult circumstances build strong communities and by working together we would overcome our challenges. I am so honored to be part of a community that has truly come together and supported each other through these unprecedented times. During good times and tough times there is nowhere on the planet I would rather be than right here in San Angelo.
We have a great deal to be thankful for and as we move into the holiday season. Let’s all continue to support our local businesses by shopping and dining in San Angelo. Also, take the opportunity to visit one of our great bars and entertainment venues. I am personally looking forward to a great holiday season and my wife MG and I are looking forward to getting out and celebrating with you all.
Our planning and budgeting process continues, and we are really excited for a fantastic 2021. We appreciate all of you that provided input to our membership survey. We are always here to listen and respond. If you want to suggest any new programs, activities or services to be included in our 2021 action plan, please let me know.
I want to give a special shout out to the Keep San Angelo Beautiful organization. They had their first community-wide clean up effort last Saturday and we really enjoyed being a part of the 100+ people who showed up to support this inaugural event. Over a ton of garbage was collected. Always remember that litter from our motorways inevitably ends up in our waterways, so “Don’t Mess with Texas!”
Our golf outing, The Chamber Classic, is back and better than ever! Join us on November 16 at Bentwood Country Club. The event is quickly filling up, but some sponsorship opportunities are still available, and we still have room for plenty more foursomes. Contact us today for more information or click here!
Our monthly luncheon for November will be back to full attendance capacity and we have a great program in store for you. We will be celebrating the great diversity that is San Angelo and recognizing individuals and businesses that embody and support diversity in our community. The event will be held at the McNease Convention Center on November 10 at 11:30 am. We won’t be taking payment at the door for this or any future luncheons, so get your tickets early by clicking here.
Planning continues for our exciting, new-and-improved Chamber Holiday Expo. The December 1 event will have a “shop local for the holidays” theme and will feature a totally re-imagined program. We want all our membership to have a great holiday season and this event will be a great way to reconnect with the community during this festive time of the year! To register as an exhibitor or to sponsor this event, please click here.
As always, we ask that you take a moment to like and follow us on Facebook and other social media platforms if you have not already done so. We also ask you to check out our website, www.sanangelo.org for new information, as we are continually providing updates. I have included my email and personal cell phone number below. Please feel free to contact me anytime.
In the meantime, stay safe and keep well. We deeply appreciate you all.
Walt Koenig
President and CEO
San Angelo Chamber of Commerce
Personal Cell: (321) 474-1332