President’s Weekly Update: July 7
July 7, 2021
Members of the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce:
San Angelo is back and better than ever! We hope that you all had a great 4th of July holiday. We want to thank Downtown San Angelo and San Angelo Live for putting on a fantastic show on the 3rd and kudos to the Lake Nasworthy Homeowners Association for putting on a great fireworks demonstration on the 4th. Tough times and challenges met build strong communities. We have all come through a challenging time together and we are strong, unified, and ready for a fantastic future. So proud to be an American, a Texan and a San Angeloan!
The command at Goodfellow Air Force Base is changing and we want to send a big thanks to Colonel Andres R. Nazario for a fantastic two year of leadership. Colonel Nazario is a strong commander and a great civic leader who guided Goodfellow through very challenging times with consistent competence and professionalism. We wish you all the best, Naz!
Our annual Blue and Gold Luncheon, where we celebrate the great contributions that Angelo State University makes to both our culture and our economy, is next Tuesday, July 13th. Come on out to hear about what going on at the university from ASU President, Ronnie Hawkins. Tickets are available on www.sanangelo.org.
The application process for the 20 under 40 awards program is underway and referrals are continuing to come in. We have many great community members in the under 40 crowd so encourage everyone to participate. Nomination forms are available on the Chamber website or at the chamber. The awards banquet will be in October and sponsorship opportunities are available.
We are also taking applications for the next Leadership San Angelo Class. Leadership San Angelo is a year long program that provides class members with an in depth understanding of the organizations and institutions of our community. Leadership San Angelo graduates also join an alumni association of hundreds of past grads. If you are interested in joining this elite group, apply today! Applications are available on www.sanangelo.org.
Additionally, registration is open and sponsorship opportunities are still available for the West Texas Legislative Summit. Our 2021 theme is appropriately “Beyond Covid”. The West Texas Legislative Summit is an event that brings together hundreds of elected officials and business professionals from across West Texas. This year’s topics will include critical infrastructure, education, agriculture and trade, transportation, pipelines and ports. The dates for this year’s summit are August 3 and 4. Find out more at www.sanangelo.org.
Finally, we have a great calendar of activities planned so visit our new and improved website at www.sanangelo.org often as we are continually providing updates. On behalf of our incredible chamber staff and board of directors we thank you for your membership and contribution to the success of our community. Have a great week!